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New KFC Drive Restaurant, Ennis Road
June 19
Screwpile recently installed piles to support the new KFC restaurant at Ennis Road Limerick. The structural designer was MHL Consulting Engineers and the main contractor was Nevin Construction. 76 piles were installed in 2 days.

Malahide Dublin.
May 2018
Installation and testing of 76no piles for three houses on a new development at Malahide Dublin for O Flynn Construction Ltd.

May 2018
100 no piles loaded and awaiting transport to Dublin for installation on a housing project.

Installation of piles confined space Oliver Plunket Street Cork
May 2018
Screwpile were asked to provide piled support to new columns on a confined site in Cork access was via a 790mm wide doorway 4no piles 7m long were installed ,the consulting engineers on this project were Murphy Matson O Sullivan.

Watermain support NMCI Ringaskiddy Co Cork
May 2018
Screwpile were tasked with providing support to a bend on a live 150mm diam watermain where an existing concrete anchor block had failed due to poor ground conditions The position of an existing 150mm diameter live gas main dictated that the supervising engineers Waterman Engineering insisted that the solution was vibration free and clean. Screwpile designed and installed a 6m deep pile capable of taking both uplift and downlift with a proprietary bracket which secured the watermain in position.The main contractors were Kieocon Ltd.

Underpinning to Precast Concrete Portal Frame at Courtstown Little Island Co Cork
May 2018
Installation of 8no screwpiles complete with underpinning brackets to a depth of 6m prior to the excavation and construction of new dock levellers during the recent refurbishment of the structure. The clients were O Connell Logistics and the consulting engineer was Mr Aidan O Brien.

Piling & Underpinning Works Marian Park Blackrock
April 2018
Installation of 16 piles including 6 underpinning brackets in preparation for the construction of a new extension to the dwelling. The consulting engineer for the project was Mr Michael O Driscoll of Complete Project Management Ltd

Foundation to Scout Hall at Gillabbey Rock,Donovans Road
March 2018
Screwpile installed 74 helical piles to support the new scout hall at Gillabbey Rock. Helical piles were used to provide support on the rock which was typically at 3-4m depth. The work was completed in one day. Rose Construction were the main contractors with Ray Keane & Associates acting as structural engineers.

Piling to the Old Oak Pub Oliver Plunket St Cork
April 2018
Installation of 56 no 20m piles.Screwpiles were selected as the preferred option due to restricted access to this confined city centre site coupled with a zero limitation on any vibration during the installation process.The main contractors were Cfield Construction Ltd and the consulting engineer was OSL Consulting Engineers

Piling to New House at Rathcormac Co Cork
April 2018
Installation and testing of 32 no 7m piles for a new dwelling, Piles were installed over a 12 hour period including a full static test pile to confirm torque capacity prior to completion of the project.The clients were Collins & Collins and the consulting engineer was Mr John Morrison

Crowleys Opticians Grand Parade Cork
March 2018.
Screwpile were contracted by Rose Construction Ltd to provide 2no piles in preparation for the installation of a new column during the recent refurbishment of Crowleys Opticians Grand Parade Cork access to the site was via an 800mm wide door ope.Piles were installed to a depth of 8m and the pile cap was constructed later in the day

Screwpile provide support to Precast Wall in Montpelier Hill Dublin
Feb 2018
Screwpile provided tension/compression piles to support the 3.5 m high precast wall surrounding the new apartments at Montpelier Hill in Dublin. 74 piles were installed in three days to facilitate the tight construction programme.The main contractor was John Paul Construction and the structural engineer for the project was Barrett Mahony,Civil and Structural Engineers

Underpinning of House at Athlone
November 2017
Screwpile undertook the underpinning of a raft that had failed at Coosan in Athlone. Piles were placed around the perimeter to ensure no future movement. Pile depths of up to 8.5m were achieved.

Underpinning at 86-88 South Mall for John Cleary Developments
October 2017
Screwpile were contracted to underpin properties surrounding a new commercial development.The developers JCD were constructing a single storey basement in a confined city centre site and as a precautionary measure decided to underpin adjoining properties to ensure that construction works works did not impact on said properties The project involved using helical piles and brackets to support adjoining walls during the construction of a single storey basement. Murphy Matson O'Sullivan were the consulting engineers and PJ Hegarty were the main contractors.

Underpinning Contract in Louisburgh Co Mayo
Sept 2017
Screwpile recently completed underpinning works to a house which had settlement issues. The house was constructed beside a retaining wall to an adjoining property.Access was limited due to the proximity of the retaining wall underpinning work,which included the installation of 9 piles and brackets, was completed in two days,

Piling for pylons for Northern Ireland Electricity
Dec 16
Screwpile installed 48 no helical piles with a shaft diameter of 140mm 2 No 550 diameter helices for Northern Ireland Electricity. Each base was completed in two days including testing. The net result was there was very little damage to the surrounding land which normally occurs when bases are installed at depth. Helical piles can be installedat remote locations without the need for piling mats.